Hi, I'm Joseph
Boston, Alabama, UNITED STATES  
Member since Apr 2016

No reviews yet

Verify+ ID Validation

Digital copy of government issued ID


About ID Validation

The Smartstayz ID Validation verification requires users to submit a digital copy of one valid form of goverment issued ID. The Smartstayz ID Validation team then verifies a match between the user's submitted info vs the info on the ID card. We then verify the active/ inactive status of the ID.


Smartstayz references are a simple tool that goes a long way toward building trust in our community.

About References

References are verified responses from individuals respected by this user reflecting the user's character. We suggest a minimum of 3 references, but more are encouraged. The CLICK TO CALL and CLICK TO EMAIL features allow prospective landlords to contact the listed references while maintaining the privacy of both parties.

Phone number
Phone number
Not Verified
Smartstayz Listings

Joseph's listings on Smartstayz.

verified address

Listed Rentals

Take a look at these other listings Joseph W has and share them with your friends. You never know when they'll need a new place, and its always good to know of some immediate options.

Social Media Connections

Social media is an excellent way to connect to others and network. Visibility of Involvement in social media is just one layer that contributes to the 360 view of a prospective housemate or room-renter.

Online connections

Just because someone does not use social media does not mean he or she is not an excellent candidate. Smartstayz deeply values the variety of all of its members, and these differences help contribute to the richness of the Smartstayz community as a whole.


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No update yet.


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Criminal record verification

Verification Tip

Completing the Safety verification shows that you aren't hiding anything from prospective hosts or guests. Being open and transparent is what helps make the Smartstayz community unique.